I’d like to book ongoing general counselling, how often should I see you?
The most common is every 2 weeks, as well as strategic booking (i.e. during the 2 week wait, 1-2 days after receiving news, etc), and of course, urgent appointments if needed. When starting off people sometimes like to begin with weekly sessions, going to bi-weekly and then monthly as needed. We recommend 90-minutes for an initial appointment or if it has been a long time between sessions, and then 60-minute bookings ongoing.
Can I see you by myself for individual counselling and together with my partner for couple counselling?
I’m an Intended Parent planning to do a donation cycle, when is the best time to meet with you for my required counselling?
I’m an Intended Parent planning to do a surrogacy cycle, when is the best time to meet with you for my required counselling?
At what point in the process should my donor or surrogate have their psycho-social assessment?
This should be done as soon as possible, and well in advance of a legal agreement being drafted or setting a retrieval/transfer date. As our fees are lower than medical screening fees, some clients prefer to have psycho-social assessments done in advance of medical, and others prefer medical clearance first. Just remember that this step is an assessment, so you want to ensure there is enough time to address issues if “red flags” are identified, or if they do not pass the evaluation.
Do you work with Traditional Surrogates (TS) as well as Gestational Carriers (GC)?
Yes, we do! We are happy to support your Traditional Surrogacy journey, whether you are doing a home insemination or working with one of the few clinics that supports TS. And of course, we routinely do GC screenings as well. As typically there is no clinic involvement with a home insemination, a report is not required in these instances. In such cases, let us know if you want a report for your own records, and if not, the session would be billed at a general or group counselling rate, with no follow up report.