General Counselling
Individual counselling:
$180.00/60 minutes or
$250.00/90 minutes
Couples counselling:
$250.00/60 minutes or
$325.00/90 minutes
Implications Counselling & Assessments with Required Reports
Egg Freezing, with Report: $350.00-$375.00
IVF using a couple’s own eggs and sperm, with Report: $375.00
(i.e. not using a donor or surrogate)
Intended Parent Implications Counselling for Donor or Surrogate cycle, with Report: $400.00-$500.00
Donor Assessment, with Report: $425.00-$500.00
Gestational Surrogate Assessment, with Report: $475.00
Traditional Surrogate Assessment, with Report (2-hours): $625.00
Note: Rates include up to 90-minutes counselling time and one clinic required follow up report. Further time and fees will be incurred if additional session(s) are required to complete any of these clinic mandated appointments (often necessary when cycles include donation and surrogacy). Please contact us directly with specific questions.
Group Counselling and Mediation
Based on number of parties present and type of session. Please contact us directly for specific pricing based on circumstance.
Administrative Work
Additional administrative work (eg. generating insurance/employer letters, providing outdated receipts, resending old reports, etc) is prorated in 30 min increments, based on Informed Fertility’s individual counselling rate.
Payment and Cancellation Policies
Please Note: Payment is due by 9:00am ET two (2) business days in advance of session date to maintain your appointment.
Without notice, appointments will be held for 15 minutes, after which time it may be necessary to reschedule and the cancellation fee may be applied.
Cancellations/changes require notice by 9:00am two (2) full business days in advance or the full counselling session fee will be charged.
Insurance and Taxes and Receipts
Informed Fertility’s counselling services fall under the category of healthcare, and as such, there are no added taxes.
Extended Health Plans/Employee benefit insurance plans often cover social work, psychotherapy and/or counselling services and receipts provided can be used for reimbursement. Informed Fertility’s counselling services can also be claimed as tax-deductible medical expenses.
Receipts are automatically provided after payment, at the conclusion of the appointment. There may be an administrative fee for receipts requested well past the appointment date.
Fees may change with notice.